Assembly staff sensitized on NACAP

The Ningo Prampram District Assembly in collaboration with the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) has organized a one-day sensitization workshop on National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (NACAP) for staff of the Assembly.

Date Created : 8/11/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

The sensitization workshop was aimed at equipping staffs with the knowledge on various forms of corruption and skills to fighting it.
NACAP is a 10-year plan to implement strategies aimed at reducing and ultimately bringing corruption under control by all citizens in the various sectors of the economy.

Madam Evelyn K. Gyima, a NACAP focal person and Ethics Officer at CHRAJ enlightened the participants on the various tools of corruption such as receiving unmerited money (tips), valuable goods, favors and promises.

She then admonished them to reject report and resist any of them in order to build integrity because a high degree of staff integrity minimizes the risk of corruption in the workplace.

She further stated that, accepting gifts from persons, before or after services rendered, manifest the act of favoritism, cronyism, and conflict of interest amongst others. Therefore, people are not to give monetary tips or valuables for services rendered to them within the public service.

She proposed that special awards on integrity should be established within the service to encourage staff to offer services diligently.

Mr. Godwin Dzivor, a NACAP team member and the Principal Executive Officer of the Assembly urged all the participants to come on board in the Implementation of the strategies in order to mitigate the risk of corruption and stimulate public trust in their services.

He further advised participants to reject report and resist all forms of corruption in order to ensure good governance, a cleaner public sector and also attain international recognition