GOMOA W: Saline Belt Water Supply Project to benefit ten communities

Ten communities in the Gomoa West District will soon benefit from portable water from the ‘’Saline Belt Water Supply Project’’ situated at Ngyiresi in the Central region.

Date Created : 9/6/2019 8:57:42 AM : Story Author : Alice Abubakari/

The project being funded by the World Bank was actualized during a study made along the coast, when water drilled turns out to be saline, therefore not meeting the World Health Organization (WHO) standard, making the water not consumable.

This necessitated a meeting between the Community Water and Sanitation and Ghana Water Company Limited since they have a treatment plant that has surplus water that can’t be distributed in terms of their distribution lines.

In view of that that funding was secured from the World Bank for the ‘’The Saline Belt Water Project was the outcome of that meeting to ensure water is distributed to the needed communities such as Brofo, Asempayin, Ngyiresi, Ohua, Adaa, Sampa, Kyiren, Manso No2, Berbiano and Ajumako Ansah.

A feasibility studies carried out revealed that some areas needed a boaster station, tanks in order to distribute water to the affected communities.

The water project started on January 2019 and is expected to be completed by September 2019. But due to some challenges it is moved to October/November this year for completion.

According to Mr Henry F. Asaubgah, the regional manager of the Community Water and Sanitation, the funding project by World Bank will come to a close by December in view of that funding will cease for not meeting the deadline.

Speaking in an interview with, the regional manager stated that, when completed a maximum of hundred cubic meters of water per day will be pumped to supply the communities.

The Final project will consist of an office to manage the system, a boaster and a hundred meter cubit plant.