MP, DCE cut sod to commence road project

The Member of Parliament, Gomoa West Constituency, Hon. Alexander Kodwo Abban who doubles as the Deputy Communications Minister, on Monday, May 11, 2020, cut sod for the commencement of construction of Gomoa Assin Town Roads.

Date Created : 5/13/2020 4:49:46 AM : Story Author : Paintsil Simpson/

The Gomoa Assin Road is part of triple road projects delivered from the efforts of the Member of Parliament, and to be completed over a 12 month period with funds from the Government of Ghana.

The other two roads are the Ostew-Abrekum road and the Onyaadze-Mankoadze road.

It is important to note that Gomoa Assin, the headquarters of Gomoa Akyempim Traditional Council and the seat of the Omanhen, ObirifoAhunakoAhorAnkobea II, of the Paramountcy. Therefore any developmental project in the town is an honour to all the 151 communities who are allegiant to the traditional headquarters and the Akyempim Stool.

The Chiefs and elders present, and the entire residents could not hide their excitements for the road project as they overtly expressed their gratitude to the Honourable Member of Parliament, Alexander KodwoAbban (Esquire) and Honourable Bismark Baisie Nkum as well as the NPP Government for face-lifting the town.

The MP and the DCE on their part assured the good people of GomoaAkyempim Traditional Area that they would get their fair share of the NPP led year of roads and other developmental projects.