KWAHU A PN: DCE assures residents of equity in the distribution of the national cake

The District Chief Executive of Kwahu Afram Plains North District Assembly in the Eastern Region, Samuel Ohene Kena has assured residents in the area of equity in the distribution of the national cake across the district.

Date Created : 8/26/2020 5:34:09 AM : Story Author : William Dei-Gyau/

Speaking an exclusive interview with, in his office last Friday the DCE claimed the assembly has extended its development to all corners of the District.

"We have extended development to all parts of the District and there is no party that can compare its projects to ours as far as Kwahu Afram Plains North is concerned."

He said, his three years in office have seen the rehabilitations most roads, construction of educational and health, toilets, market, drainage, and other facilities initiated in which most of these projects has been completed and started operations as others are at various levels of completion.

"We upon assumption of office in 2017 has not left any community in this District behind, we are working tirelessly to equally distribute the national cake among the over 576 communities making the Kwahu Afram Plains North District Assembly".

Samuel Ohene Kena refuted allegations leveled against him of being the worse DCE in the history of the District Assembly as we have gathered that the assembly under the leadership of Hon. Samuel Kene has done little to develop the area. He called on the public to disregard such allegations as it is the work of the opposition.

He obsessed that "the assembly has settled all debt accrued by the NDC government which led to the disconnection of the Assembly's electricity power and water system by the Electricity Company of Ghana and the Water and Sanitation Board (WaterBoard) in 2016 over non-payment of bills.

The assembly was then forced to operate without light and water making life in the Assembly unbelievable especially when these facilities were needed to make work easier. The NPP came to pay all these bills and also pay for a loan facility owned to the water board".

"We have also completed most of the projects initiated by my predecessors where some of this projects were abandoned for ten solid years, we are on course working to complete the rest of projects initiated by the then NDC government alongside working on new projects we have started" he explained.

It is gathered that apart from the central government projects undertaking in the district which has been scattered across the district, the Assembly in its own little way has initiated some twenty-nine projects which includes classroom blocks, market space, health facilities, and other infrastructure projects including the renovations of the presidential lodge, the Assembly's finance blocks, fencing and paving yard of the Donkorkrom community center, furnishing the District Assembly guest house, installation of street lights, construction of an ultramodern slaughterhouse, 500-meter U-Drain as well as 4-No borehole with hand pumps.

He seize the opportunity to canvas for the support of the community insisting the NPP is the only political party which has Afram Plains at heart, let's support President Nana Akufo Addo to transform the country as we all wish to see Ghana by giving the NPP government for more years to do more for the Ghanaian People.