KWAHU APN: PWDs receive relief items

Persons living with Disability in the Kwahu Afram Plains North District in the Eastern Region last Wednesday received relief items worth over ninety-thousand Ghana Cedis being the three percent of the District Assembly's common fund allocated to support the living standard of the federation of the people living with Disability within the District.

Date Created : 8/28/2020 5:08:32 AM : Story Author : William Dei-Gyau/

The donation which was made to some fifty-one beneficiary by the District Assembly through the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development was held at the forecourt of the newly constructed ultramodern community center for the people of Donkorkrom the District capital.

The District Chief Executive, Samuel Ohene Kena who supervised the distribution of the relief items charge them to put the items into good use which he believes will help eradicate puberty within the federation of disables.

He stated that the Assembly since 2017 has distributed over 400 relief items among the PWDs as he assured them of another batch of distribution before the end of the year.

Hon. Samuel Ohene Kena laments over how some beneficiaries after receiving the items make it their idols of which they worship day and night instead of putting the items into use to raise financial support to improve the living conditions of the said vulnerable.

He observed that "it is the obligation of government to support persons living with Disability and it is due to such obligations the government has allocated the resources to provide items you the beneficiary as you deemed it fit to use for an economic purpose".

The Director of the Social Welfare and Community Development Mr. Ernest Evans Ewusi disclosed the items being distributed as fridges, industrial sewing machines, fishing nets, irrigation machines, and some cash donations to serve as the seed capital for their economic activities.

On his part, Mr. Micheal Kwadwo Ampontia, the secretary of the Federation of People living with Disability's in the Kwahu Afram Plains North District on behalf of the beneficiary expressed their profound gratitude to the president of the republic through the District chief executive for his continues support to PWDs.

He assured the government the federations readiness to make sure it's members put the items received in use as they have started routine monitoring to access the state of the item received.