Approach your duty with a sense of urgency- Daffour to MMDCEs

Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives (MMDAs) in the Eastern Region have been advised to approach their work with a sense of urgency having been handed their instrument of office.

Date Created : 5/23/2017 2:25:17 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

The Eastern Regional Minister, Mr. Eric Daffour gave the advice on Friday at the sweaing in ceremony of 24 MMDCEs in the region who have been successfully confirmed by their respective assemblies.



The Minister said the government of the New Patriotic Party cannot afford to let the people of Ghana down hence they (MMDCEs) have been carefully selected to implement the government's laudable policies and programmes at the assembly levels.


He thus urged them to be modest in their activities and eschew any act of corrupt practices,  instead make judicious use of resources at their disposal and more importantly harness potentials of their districts to the benefit of their people.



Mr. Daffour also implored them to use effective communication skills and extensive consultation with relevant stakeholders in their work.


He entreated them to focus on raising funds for development and not rely solely on the releases from central government as this may impede their quest to meeting the developmental goals of their people. This implies blocking leackages in revenue mobilization and adopting mechanisms to increase collection of revenue.



Also very significant should be finding solutions to challenges of environmental , sanitation- waste collection, management and disposal; land guards menace, issues with Fulani herdsmen, chieftaincy disputes and other administrative and managerial challenges.


He reminded them that their job is demanding adding that their continues staying office is largely dependent on their performance and the extent to which they ahhere to rules and regulations governing the administration of the assembly.



Speaking on behalf of the MMDCEs, Mr.Yaw Owusu, Kwahu West Municipal Chief Executive, expressed gratitude to the President and the Government for the confidence reposed in them to represent the government at the local level.


He assured the people of their commitment to the tasks ahead and promised they will do everything possible to deliver to satisfaction.


He however, appealed for the total support of all stakeholders including traditional authorities, assembly members, staff, development partners and all well meaning citizens to make their job achievable.