DCE calls for hands on deck to foster development

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of Shai Osudoku Mr. Fred Offei has called all hands on deck to tackle developmental challenges in the area.

Date Created : 11/16/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

The DCE made the call while presenting his first sessional address at the Assembly’s General Meeting.

He said his administration would ensure equity in the allocation of development projects, adding that he would make a conscious attempt to complete many uncompleted projects whilst rolling out new critical ones to strengthen decentralization in the District.

The DCE stated that serious attention will be paid to advance the flagship programmes of the government like Planting for Food and Jobs, One District One Factory among others.

On revenue, Mr. Offei pointed out that all programmes and projects of the Assembly for 2021 were financed with internally generated funds and urged Assembly members should join forces with Management to work hard at generating more revenue locally to finance more programmes and projects.

Touching on agriculture, he said it is common knowledge that agriculture is the backbone of the District economy for which so much attention is given through the implementation of the government flagship projects among others to improve the livelihood of farmers in the district.

The DCE then seized the opportunity to commend the assembly for the outstanding performance during the District Assembly Performance Assessment Tool (DPAT).