Twenty-nine year old graduate is New Juaben best farmer

Mr Michael Newman, a 29-year old graduate has emerged as the overall best farmer in the New Juaben South municipality out of 14 others who were rewarded in various categories.

Date Created : 12/7/2019 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Millicent Tamakloe/Abigail Yadago/

Mr Newman has 3,165 poultry layers, 100 local birds, 100 cockerels, one acre each of green pepper, cabbage, tomatoes and carrots, half an acre each of beetroot, chili pepper, cucumber, two acres of maize, 60 pigs, 18 goats, 17 ducks and 10 rabbits.

For his prize, he received a tricycle (aboboya), sewing machine, knapsack sprayer, full piece adepa GTP wax print wellington boots, five cutlasses, four bottles of weedicides and a certificate.Mr Richard Ayivi and Madam Mariam Ahmed were awarded the best youth and woman farmers respectively.

The others were; best maize farmer, best vegetable farmer, best livestock farmer, best non-traditional farmer, best animal farmer, best plantain farmer, best group, best fish farmer, best poultry farmer, best market woman, best engineer for post-harvest, best woman farmer, best youth farmer and the overall municipal best farmer.Mr Kofi Tweneboah, New Juaben Municipal Director of agriculture, noted that the awards were based on merit and not protocol as some assume and urged farmers to adhere to the best farming practices.

Mr Isaac Apaw Gyasi, Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) NJSMA announced that the Assembly submitted four proposals for the One District, One Factory (1D1F) secretariat for the establishment of oil palm, cosmetic and garments factories in the municipal.He indicated that the factories together with the Business Incubation Programme introduced by government would help to solve youth unemployment issues in the country and establish a strong and robust raw material base for industries.

Nana Ofosu Atta Obrempong, Representative of Daasebre Oti Boateng, called on government to put measures in place for citizens to patronise locally manufactured goods to enhance the livelihoods of hardworking farmers in the country.