NJSMA records success stories from PFJ

The Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ), which was initiated by the government in 2017 has started recording success stories among women farmers in New Juaben South Municipal Assembly area in the Eastern Region.

Date Created : 7/17/2019 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Naa Shormei Odonkor

The initiative has introduced a lot of women into farming as well as improved productivity, incomes and earnings.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, the New Juaben South Municipal Agriculture Director, Mr Kofi Tweneboah said one of the beneficiaries, Ms Vida Adiweh entered into farming after resigning from her job as a caterer.

She used to farm an acre of maize farm and complained of poor yield, high cost of labour and challenges with the fall army worm on her farm.

Mr Tweneboah said due to these problems, Ms Adiweh only harvested five mini bags of maize a season.

He said Ms Adiweh was taken through training and benefited from the PFJ packages.

Mr Tweneboah explained that the PFJ package include 50 per cent subsidy on fertilizers and introduction to high yielding hybrid maize seeds as well as free extension services.

He said the PFJ package contributed to a decrease in the cost of production and increase in productivity of Ms Adiweh.

Mr Tweneboah said after the interventions, Ms Adiweh expanded her one acre farm to 2.5 acres and increased her harvest to 25 mini bags of maize per acre per season.

The Agriculture Director said Ms Adiweh is now able to pay the school fees of her three children in the university and has encouraged other people to go into farming.

Mr Tweneboah said other farmers call upon Ms Adiweh to advise them on good farm practices and technologies.

He said the agriculture sector has introduced the value chain system of farming to do away with the problem of market after production.

Mr Tweneboah said the value chain process of production has been introduced to add value to farm products to increase incomes of farmers.

He said the value chain process also provides jobs for the many unemployed individuals in the municipality.

Mr Tweneboah urged farmers and all other stakeholders to embrace the value chain process of farming which could benefit everyone.