MCE commissions 30 boreholes to curb water shortage

The New Juaben North Municipal Assembly has commission 30 boreholes in the municipality to help curb the shortage of water in the municipality.

Date Created : 8/13/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Elizabeth Ansaah/

In commissioning the domestic water facility, the MCE noted that, the projects have come to help them to make sure that the municipality can now have frequent water supply to meet the community domestic demand.

She was optimistic that, the facility would help the beneficiary communities wash their hands to avoid the covid 19 pandemic.

She added that the Assembly wants its people to get good health so that they can live long and get strength to attend their works.

The MCE informed the people that, the water will be sold to them for a fee to be decided by their own caretakers in all the communities.

These levies would be used to take care of the maintenance of the boreholes because the Assembly wants the committees in charge of the water to control, manage and repaired when it gets damaged.

The MCE asked the committee members to be vigilant in their duty as the administrators of the boreholes and “that is why before we hand over these projects into your hands, the Assembly gave you all the necessary training to equip each of you here today to manage well” she said.

The queen mother for the Jumapo market thanked the Assembly for their kind gesture and the MCE for given them water to aid their activities both in the market and for their domestic use.