New Juaben Health Service holds Performance Review

The Ghana Health Services in the New Juaben South and North Municipalities congregated for their Annual Review Summit for the year 2019 which constituted all public health centers recognized in the municipality.

Date Created : 2/25/2020 2:23:54 AM : Story Author : Collins Aikinis Akuffo/

The summit was aimed at assessing all health centers by means of addressing some nonperformance, progress, and discussion of possible solutions through presentations made by each health center.

Some of the health centers present were the Jumapo Health Center, Koforidua Poly Clinic, Zongo Health Center and the Disease Control Unit with dignitaries like the New Juaben South Municipal Director, Mr. Yahaya Froko, the Municipal Health Director Dr. E.E. Kaitoo, the Municipal Disease Control Officer, Mr. Denis Bansah.

The Municipal Health Director, Dr. E.E. Kaitoo, in his speech indicated that there was a vast decrease of twenty-one percent (21%) on malaria issues in the municipal in the year 2019 as compared to 2018.

According to him, both Municipalities recorded eight thousand, five hundred and thirty-five (8,535) people positive with HIV in the year 2019.

‘’Nine (9) out of six thousand four hundred and fourteen (6,414) were also HIV positive for pregnant women in the year 2019 which proved an increase of 0.1% as compared to 2018,’’ he said.

‘’Twenty-seven (27) measles cases were against twenty-one (21) in 2018 were also recorded.’’ He added.

Amidst all the accounts given, the Municipal Health Director gave out some challenges the board and some public health centers are facing.

These included funds for insurance have only been paid only for three months in 2019, inadequate equipment for most health centers and most retired staff are not replaced.

He specified that there was the poor state of existing infrastructure within the municipalities. For instance, in Agavenya, whereas some communities are underserved with no health facility, for instance, residences of Atekyem.

Per a presentation made by representatives of the Jumapo Hospital, Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD) is rapidly increasing on their record list with 89, 121 and 142 variant recorded diseases for the past three years respectfully.