Community volunteer heads sensitized on COVID-19

Hundred community volunteer heads across Asutifi North District Assembly have been sensitized on Covid-19.

Date Created : 5/27/2020 6:03:11 AM : Story Author : Mavis Ofosuah Asante/

Community Head Volunteers work with local authorities for easy reach and updates to and from the communities to ensure public peace and safety within the district.

The workshop was organized by Asutifi North District Assembly in partnership with Ghana Health Service with funding from the Hilton Guarantee partners.

District Diseases Consultant, Laar Salaam Dam-Park explained that the aim of the workshop was to build the capacity of the volunteers to be able to detect and suspect early symptoms of Covod-19 and also task them to mobilize support for fight whiles educating locals at the grassroots.

Speaking on behalf of the Hilton Guarantee Partners, a representative from World Vision-Ghana, Mr. Cephas Hegan explained that they were enthused by the District’s response plan to fighting Covid-19 since it is in line with previous public health initiative; Asutifi North Ahondie Mpontuo (ANAM).

District Planning Officer, Mr. James Ata-Era posited that the Assembly appreciates the critical role played by the Community Head Volunteers in safeguarding the peace and safety within the district hence their involvement in the Assembly’s response plan.

In line with the social distancing protocols, the workshops were organized in 4 separate communities; Kenyase, Goamu, Ntrotroso and Gambia.