ActionAid launches COVID-19 Emergency Response Project

ActionAid has on Tuesday 9, June launched its COVID-19 Emergency Response Program in Asutifi North for Ahafo and Bono Regions.

Date Created : 6/12/2020 6:06:21 AM : Story Author : Mavis Ofosuah Asante/

The project which is being implemented in 31 districts across 9 regions of Ghana seeks to reach 15,000 vulnerable households with both food and non-food items.

Among non-food items are 15,000 reusable nose masks, 45 cartons of hand gloves, 45 cartons of disinfectants, 75 gallons of liquid soap, 934 boxes of hand sanitizers, and 500 veronica buckets.

The food items also are made up of 3,117 sacks of rice, 1,314 boxes of oil, 290 boxes of sanitary pads, and 330 packs of cocoa powder and sugar.

The relief support in Bono and Ahafo regions is to be implemented in 42 communities within Asutifi North, Asutifi South, Banda and Tain Districts and Sunyani Municipal reaching a total of 2,611 vulnerable households.

Obengkrom, Bogyampa, Kodiwohia New Site, Yawusukrom, Yawbrefo, Gambia No. 1, Nsuta, Asaman, Amomeso, Kwahu, Donkorkrom, Kojokrom, Dokyikrom, and Koforidua are the targeted beneficiary communities in Asutifi North District.

Regional program manager for ActionAid, Mr. Tontie Binado explained that the aim of the project is to complement awareness creation on the virus by supporting the vulnerable to have access to food during this difficult period as well as enabling them to practice preventive health protocols.

He added that the project will contribute to the effort of the government towards the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic.

District Chief Executive of Asutifi North, Anthony Agyei Mensah commended ActionAid for their tremendous support for the Vulnerable within the Regions over the past 20 years and tasked them to add on to the education on the prevention of the spread of the virus.

He also advised on the routine and proper handwashing, social distancing, and wearing of face mask.

Mr. Robert Dwomoh Mensah, District Chief Executive of Asutifi South appealed to NGOs and Civil Society to give a helping hand to the vulnerable during this pandemic as ActionAid is doing.

He added that the Country is not in normal times, so we should be each other’s keeper and also keep on observing all safety measures by Government.

The response in Ahafo and Bono regions were funded by People’s Postcode Lottery (PPL3) and European Union said Mr. Prince Osei Agyekum, Project Manager ActionAid Accra.

He thanked their Donors for their massive support whenever they call on them, by their support we are able to put smiles on people in their difficult times he added.

In attendance was Hon. Anthony Adjei Mensah, Hon. Robert Dwomoh Mensah, Mr. Samuel Badu Baiden (Dist. Co-ord. Director, Asutifi North), Mr. Osei Bonsu (Regional NADMO Director) and The Media.