Tano North launches 30-Day Population And Housing Census

The Tano North Municipal Assembly has Launched a 30 – day population and Census night in the Municipality.

Date Created : 6/3/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Agyeman K. Barnie/

Addressing the gathering, the Tano North Municipal Census Officer Mr. Sarbeng Prince said this year’s census aims to count every person and every structure in Ghana. It would also provide an updated information of the socio-economic, demographic and housing conditions of the population and reiterated that the information collected from the census will be used to make decisions about the welfare of Ghanaians and entreated each and everyone to be counted.

Mr. Sarbeng said from 13th to 25th June, 2021, enumerators would visit and identify the structures with serial numbers on the walls. He said the census night is on the 27th of June, 2021 and activities would be carried out in all communities and social media as well.

He said from 28th June to 11th July, 2021 enumerators will visit households to collect information on all persons who slept in the house on that night, travel history of household members who have migrated abroad, socio demographic characteristics, literacy, education activities, usage devices, children born to women 12th years or over, death of members in the past 12 months, housing and sanitation conditions, among others.

Addressing the gathering, the Tano North Municipal Coordinating Director, Mr. Eric Anarfi, said Ghana has been fairly consistent in conducting Census every 10 years since 1960 to understand its population size, structure and dynamics. The creation of Districts, Constituencies and Regions by successive government is based mainly on census data.

It is therefore worth noting that the 2021 Census would provide information on the population to help track progress made with regards to international, National, Regional and Global development goals.

He said, information on population growth dynamics is important and highly needed by the MMDAs in planning for education needs, where to locate health facilities, how to allocate our social expenditures and identify those who really need help in our society. In view of this, the Municipal Assembly fully support the Census because it will address the various data gaps needed for effective planning of sectoral programme at the district level.

Launching the 30 days count-down, the Tano North Municipal Chief Executive Hon. Ernest Kwarteng said this year’s Census is unique and different from all census that Ghana has ever undertaken in several aspect of the exercise and even by the reports which would emanate from this national exercise; it will be the first time we shall receive census information tabulated by constituencies to improve progress, tracking important governance structure, use of online dashboards and comprehensive data quality assurance procedures.

Hon. Kwarteng said, government continues to be committed to evidence-based decision making and planning in all facets of decision making in our development agenda. The census would provide them with adequate data to help them measure, monitor and estimate the extent to which we have made progress in the national development agenda. Indeed the data collected would guide in measuring the socio-economic status of the people.

He said, public education is key and advocacy event is meant to sensitise the public on 2021 Population and Housing Census and elicit their cooperation during the exercise.

He therefore encouraged all to raise awareness in all parts of the Tano North Municipality to ensure that this year’s 2021 Population and Housing Census is a success. Hon. Kwar teng appealed to all persons to receive the enumerators well and all personal information received by Census Officers would be strictly confidential.

In attendance were the Municipal Coordinating Director, Mr. Eric Anarfi, Municipal Census Officer Mr Sarbeng Prince, Hon Kenneth Adom Agyei (Presiding Member, Tano North Municipal Assembly), Hon. Ernest Kwarteng (MCE for Tano North), Immigration Service, Religious leaders, Assembly members and Nananom.