NJNMA holds stakeholders engagement

The new Juaben north municipal Assembly in conjunction with Solidaridad have organized a stakeholders meetings at Assembly hall.

Date Created : 12/16/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Elizabeth Ansaah

The Forum was held on the theme: “Good Governance; The Role of Stakeholders” and also part of Government policy of bringing Governance to the doorstep of the citizens.

Madam Comfort Asante in her address stated clearly what the Assembly has done and what they are still doing to help the Municipality grow. She said the Assembly is still young but trying its best to put the Municipality on a good developmental ladder. She urged everyone to feel free and come to the Assembly when they need any help or any suggestion that will help the Municipality to grow.

The municipal planning officer, madam Florence Nartey in her presentation said the Assembly have done a number of projects with in the municipality, which includes drilling of newly ten (10) boreholes ,construction of water closet facility,65000 palm seedlings for farmers,contruction of classroom blocks and others.

She said the Assembly have done sensitization on HIV and AIDS in the municipality due to rising number of people getting the diseases.
The immediate chairman for cocoa life explains achievements of the association which includes supplying of free seedlings to farmers, a community labor committee was founded to prevent children from child labor, and the association have bought Air condition bus, hectors of land for ginger plantations and others.

He said the association have financial assistance to their farmers called village and savings associations (VSLA).

A representative of the SHED a division under Ghana cocoa board also explains some achievement’s gains as they engage the cocoa farmers in their mass spraying, cocoa management system and supplying of fertilizers.

The representation from child right international discussed thoroughly about the rights of children to the participants in terms of their education, clothing, shelter and the right to express their views.

Madam Jemima from solidaridad in her presentation said the NGO have achieved a lot of progress due to engagements with the various leaders in the cocoa farmers and have yielded a lot of achiements which includes child right education, improving livelihood of farmers, supplying of free seedlings to farmers and others.