NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

S TONGU: DCE suggests prosecution of illegal developers

District Chief Executive for the South Tongu District, Samuel Eworyi fears unauthorized development of structures in various communities in the district may have dire consequences on the people in the event of fire outbreaks.

Date Created : 5/14/2014 9:07:04 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

District Chief Executive for the South Tongu District, Samuel Eworyi fears unauthorized development of structures in various communities in the district may have dire consequences on the people in the event of fire outbreaks.

He said developers in the District particularly Sogakope put up structures without getting building permits from the Assembly.
"Our fear is that in the most unlikely situation of fire our break, it would be extremely difficult to access fire service facilities extended to the affected places because structures are constructed on roads with blatant disregards to lay outs of the various communities", he added.

The Chief Executive who was addressing assembly members at a meeting therefore suggested prosecution of offenders to reduce the practice and ensure sanity in the development of the area.
He thus called for the support of the assembly members in this regard urging them to advice their people on the need to obtain permits from the authorities before placing any structure anywhere in the district.

He said the Assembly through the District Security Council with support from the security agencies has managed to maintain relative peace in the district to allow people to go about their duties freely. However, there are a number of security concerns that must be addressed with urgency.

He mentioned high levels of indiscipline on our roads by motor riders and drivers, chieftaincy disputes in some of the communities and traditional areas, land litigations arising from multiple sale of lands, petty theft cases in houses and hotels, cattle rustling, destructive activities of Fulani herdsmen in some communities, drug abuse, and the recent disputes between clam miners from Agave and the people of Ada East District.

These issues he noted were hindering development in the area and called on all stakeholders to get involved to find lasting solutions to them to pave way for accelerated development.

Dominic Shirimori/