NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

ASUNAFO SOUTH : Asunafo South Assembly gets new DCE

They was  jublilation on the streets of Kukuom the district capital fellowing the successful elction of Abraham Bosompem as the new DCE and Laziz as PM  for Asunafo South Assembly.

Date Created : 7/22/2011 11:36:02 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

They was  jublilation on the streets of Kukuom the district capital fellowing the successful elction of Abraham Bosompem as the new DCE and Laziz as PM  for Asunafo South Assembly.

This happened with help of the traditional authority especially Kukuomhene and other opinion leaders from the area.

He  urged all to come together to develop the area and stop frighting aganist each other and work torwards development.

The majority and monirity were asked to put the past behind and reflect on things they can achieve when they are together.

On his part the Hon.P.M also called for peace and a unity in all department to help speed development.

He praised the traditional authorities and asked for back bitting to stop and also promised to be avail himself any time he was called upon.

In all about 100 police and other security personnel were they to maintain peace.

Ralph Anane/