JAMAN N: 156.6 hectares cultivated under “Planting for food and Job”

The Jaman North District Chief Executive, Mr. Adane Ankomah is full of hopes for the “Planting for Food and Job” programme, one of the flagship programmes of the government to not only boost food production but also create employment for the youth.

Date Created : 10/4/2017 4:57:53 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

Mr. Ankomah during a visit to some of the farms under the planting for food and jobs programme at Kabile and Jamera to observe and ascertain progress of the programme was delighted at the interest shown by the farmers in the programme and the seriousness with which they are cultivating their farms.

According to him, government believes agriculture has the potential to transform the economy of this country, hence its resolve to make the necessary investment to aid production of food crops for domestic consumption and export. 

Speaking with after his tour of the farms, the DCE disclosed that government released a sizeable amount of input to the district for the programme including almost 10,000 fertilizers; improved seeds for garden egg, pepper, tomatoes, as well as maize and rice. He also expressed delight that the invasion of fall army worm that affected a number of farms have been brought under control through the support of government.



He also pat the Agriculture Extension officers at the back for the commitment shown in dealing with the fall army worm and also their continuous presence at the farms to offer the best advice to farmers.

The DCE expressed optimism that there will be enough food in the system by close of the year and the years ahead if the enthusiasm towards the Planting for food and job is sustained.

The District Director of Agriculture, Emmanuel Kwabla Afful on his part affirm the DCE’s position that the district will see great improvement in harvest this year and the years ahead adding that the programme has been a success so far, having enjoyed a favourable rainfall pattern this year since most of the farms are rain fed.



According to Mr. Afful, as at the end of August 2017, the district recorded 120 hectares of maize, 9.6 hectares of rice, pepper 15 hectares, and other vegetables 12 hectares under cultivation. This figure, he indicated will see increase following more farmers coming on board.

He however called on government to consider including distribution of chemicals as part of the package to the farmers because it has been a major source of worry to the farmers.Mr. Afful noted that farmers needs some chemicals including weedicides in land preparation for planting, but the current situation where they have to buy those chemicals themselves would have to be looked at again.