LAWRA: Kalsagri, Birifoh-Cha and Zakpee CHPS to be ready soon

Access to effective and efficient health delivery ensure healthy society for productivity to be achieved.

Date Created : 8/24/2017 7:32:19 AM : Story Author : Alice Abubakari/

It is for this reason that people in the Lawra District Assembly are happy following some inroads made in improving health accessibility in the area.

 It was a major concern to residents when some health facilities under construction in the area where unnecessarily delaying and the people used the opportunity of the DCE’s tour of the area to appeal for their completion.

 True to his words to have them completed, the District Chief Executive for the Lawra District in the Upper West Region, Martin Bomba-ire at the first ordinary meeting of the Assembly informed the house that the Medical Director’s request for the completion of the medical doctor’s bungalow, and a CHPS compound located at Yagpelle has been achieved and the projects handed over.

 He also announced that CHPS compounds that are financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), including Kalsagri CHPS, Birifoh-Cha and Zakpee CHPS will be wired, connected with electricity and furnished for use.



This, he noted, are some of the measures being adopted to ensure health delivery is brought to the door steps of residents  thereby preventing long distance travels in their quest to receive health care.