MCE donates office equipment to Tano South Education Directorate

As part of government efforts to resource the government agencies and institutions to ensure they deliver quality services to the general public, the Tano South Municipal Assembly has donated office equipment such as laptop, coloured printer, router, staple machine and pins, mouse, three boxes of A4 sheets, extension board and one hundred pieces of CD Room to the Tano South Municipal Education Directorate.

Date Created : 2/23/2018 1:43:41 AM : Story Author : Barnie K. Agyeman/

Mr. Evans Akingya, the deputy director of the Assembly in his opening remarks said, the Basic Education Certificate Examination, management took decision on office equipment that could help the directorate to register candidates for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and hinted that it was upon the management’s decision that the Assembly has donated the above equipment to enhance the work of the Electronic Management Information System Unit of the directorate.

During presentation of the equipment, the MCE for Tano South Assembly, Hon. Collins Offinam Takyi officially informed all present that the district has been elevated to the Municipal status.

He said, government has introduced free senior high school policy and hinted that the implementation of the policy has come with its associate challenges and said government is working assiduously to find antidotes to the problems to ensure the policy becomes sustainable.

He said, due to the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education programme (FCUBE), government has absorbed all fees needed to be paid by parents for their children in the primary and junior high schools and stressed that, the programme has helped to increase the enrolment figures in the Basic and Junior High schools and urged the directorate to play their routine supervisory role to ensure that teachers report to work at all times to teach the students.

He said the office equipment provided by the Assembly will go a long way to help the directorate to keep data on all final year students registered to write the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in the Municipality.

Mr. Tawia, the director in charge of the inspectorate division who received the equipment on behalf of the Tano South Municipal Director of Education thanked the MCE and the Assembly for their kind gesture and promised that the equipment will be used for its intended purposes and also put them into good use.