Agorkpo CHPS compound is welcome news to nine communities - Assemblyman

Assemblyman for Agorkpo Electoral Area in the Ada East District, David Tetteh Numo is grateful to the Assembly for the provision of the Agorkpo CHPS compound which currently serves some nine communities.

Date Created : 8/20/2019 4:15:32 AM : Story Author : Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/

He said the CHPS centre is really responding to the primary health needs of the people in these communities, and the facility only refers complicated issues to bigger facilities.

He noted that the Agorkpo CHPS centre has become the first port of call to many in the area who need one form of health assistant or the other and this saves time as it is closer to the people than others.

The Assemblyman made the disclosure when visited the facility and other newly built health facilities in the district.

Mr. Numo however stated that the community still looks forward to government intervention in dealing with other equally important challenges confronting the area particularly road infrastructure, electricity among others.

He said the streetlights in the area need to be replaced to improve visibility at night and ward off criminals who usually operate under the cover of darkness.

“I have raised the issue of our bad lightening system and the road network at the Assembly with no head way, but it is not for the Assembly only to deal with, I have gotten to philanthropist to help us but all that has not come to fruition yet but whoever want to help we are ready to accept it”, he said.

The road network is bad, the one connecting Asafotumfia to Aqua Safari Resort; “we need to fix it so that people can use the road”, he said.