Chiefs of Sefwi Wiawso hail Akufo Addo for Sefwi Nsuonsua Road

The Chiefs and elders of Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area in the Western North Region, led by Nana Elluo Panyin III, the chief of Sefwi Nsuonsua who doubles as the Kyidomhene of Wiawso Traditional Area have praised the President, Nana Akufo-Addo for finally awarding the long-awaited Sefwi Nsuonsua Road for construction.

Date Created : 2/28/2020 5:50:14 AM : Story Author : Daniel Akwasi Nuako/

He revealed that this road has been neglected since Nkrumah’s regime and several appeals to previous governments to construct the road yielded negative results.

According to the chief, this is the first time in history that Nsuonsua, Anglo, Baakokan and Kwabenakwa roads were mentioned on the floor of parliament in the Budget Statement to be captured among others for construction.

He adding that Nsuonsua is one of the notable communities with high cocoa production in the Western North Region yet their roads are inaccessible. Farmers find it difficult to transport their farms produce to market due to the poor road networks.

This came to light when Nana Ellou was performing the necessary customary rites to draw the attention of their ancestors, water bodies as well as the Nsuonsua stool lands to the fact that a contractor is in to construct their road and must tolerate and co-exist with all the noise of the heavy-duty machines on-site and also to ask them for massive peace and protections for the contractor and his able workers during and after the project.

Nana, therefore, thanked the Member of Parliament for Sefwi Wiawso, Kwaku Afriyie and the Municipal Chief Executive for Sefwi Wiawso, Loius Agyeaman for their tremendous performance to lobby for such project.

On his part, the MCE said the construction of the (24kms) feeder road from Nsuonsua to Kwabenakwa will ensure accessibility to good road networks in the area.

He said, the road is expected to be completed within 18 months and called on the constituents to rally behind the government so as to deliver its mandate to Ghanaians.