Akrofuom SHS requests for facelift

Akrofuom Senior High and Technical School in the Akrofuom district is appealing for a facelift in infrastructure.

Date Created : 10/29/2018 3:04:03 AM : Story Author : Francis Andoh/

The school which happens to be the only government high school in the district is faced with a lot of infrastructural deficiencies hindering it in its bid to become one of the leading SHS in the Adansi area and the region as a whole.

In an interview with the Assistant Headmaster of the school Mr. Jacob Anakpor on the state of the free SHS policy and matters arising recently at the school, he said currently the first year students are also enjoying the goodies attached to the policy but the school on the other hand could not enroll more students because of the infrastructural deficiency in the school

Mr. Anakpor revealed that the school only has a 12-unit classroom block and an inherited 6-unit classroom block which is woefully inadequate for a school which is the only one in the district.

This he also said is the reason the school could not qualify for the double track system of the Free SHS policy and the fact that more than two-thirds of the students are not housed on campus preventing most parents to change the schools of their wards when they get admission to the school.

He is therefore appealing to authorities to as a matter of urgency provide the school with enough boarding facility to attract more students and also house more students.

He added that currently, most of the first year students are learning in the school's dining hall as a result of the delays in the construction of a pavilion by the Member of Parliament for the constituency, Hon. Kwabena Appiah-Pinkrah. He noted that with the completion of the pavilion, the students will at least have enough classrooms to study.

The school also does not have an administration block and other facilities which makes teaching and learning conducive.

However, he was quick to add that teachers and staff are doing their best to make good use of what they have to ensure that knowledge are imparted into the students appropriately.