Capacity training for Assembly Members

The Assembly Members for New Juaben North municipality have received a one day capacity training under the GIZ partnership programme for MMDAs as part of institutional strengthening and capacity building.

Date Created : 6/13/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Elizabeth Ansaah/

The purpose of the training was to enhance Assembly Members on the knowledge of public financial management approval process and revised composite budget implementation manual.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) Madam Comfort Asante in her address asked the participants to take the training very seriously to enrich their knowledge-base on budgeting cycle and social accountability.

She urged all Assembly Members to grab this opportunity to enhance their knowledge in budgeting skills and also to know the budget approval processes under the public financial management 2016 (Act 921) enlightening them on efficient financial management.

During the training, 21 trainees consisting of 19 Assembly Members and 2 government appointees were taken through the nature of local budgeting, preparation of MMDAs composite budget form, its formulation stage, through to its implementation stage.

Presents were the Municipal Budget Analyst, Mr. Attah Baah Joseph, and the Human Resource Officer, Mrs. Grace Ohene Amponsah, Amin Alhasan, facilitator and Eshun Isaac K., facilitator, Ohene K. Akowauh, facilitator, Chistiana Aku Mensah, facilitator.