New Juaben North Municipal Assembly holds staff durbar

The New Juaben North Municipal Assembly has held its first staff durbar for the year 2024 at the Assembly’s Assembly hall.

Date Created : 1/22/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Elizabeth Ansaah/

The durbar was to introduce new staffs, discuss staff punctuality to work, property rate mobilization, functionality of the client’s service and staff welfare among others.

The Municipal Chief Executive of the Assembly, Hon. Comfort Asante in her address welcomed everyone and said it was her privilege to have such gathering which enables Management to interact with staff. She urged all to take part in these fruitful interactions sharing ideas with regards to the Assembly.

The MCE explained that the gathering was to help management know the concerns and challenges of staff. Hon. Comfort Asante urged staff to be committed to their jobs and discharge their duties diligently.

The Municipal Coordinating Director, Mr. Ndinga Nborinyi touched on some key issues that needed attention such as attitude to work, leave without permission, leakage of confidential office information, team work, functionality of the client service, good working environment, and others.

He lamented on how some staff consistently come to work late whiles others do not show up at all. He stressed that working time is 8am and not 8:30am.

He stressed the need to cooperate with the client service to allow every visitor to pass through before the person gets to any office.

Also, he said henceforth, any officer of the Assembly should take note that if you want to move out of the Assembly for inspection, make sure you have permission through the Municipal Coordinating director, through the client service, especially Works department and Physical Planning department.

He advised staff to contribute well to the welfare of the Assembly to enable management come in with their support.

The Welfare Chairman, Mr. Joseph Attah Baah highlighted some measures put in place to establish the welfare well and therefore encouraged all staffs to join for their own good.

The Staff had the opportunity to ask questions and made suggestions which Management addressed accordingly.