My first day at school

The New Juaben North Municipal Chief Executive Hon. Comfort Asante with the Municipal Education Director, Madam Beverly Bethels visited some schools in the Municipality to mark “My First Day at School” programme.

Date Created : 1/30/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Elizabeth Ansaah

The Municipal Chief Executive welcomed the fresh students to school and urged them to heed to their teachers and parents advice to enable them become responsible people in the Country.

She acknowledged and cherished the efforts of the teachers and encourages them to continue working hard for mother Ghana.

Madam Comfort Asante advised the children to be punctual and also take their academic work seriously.
The Municipal Education Director, Madam Beverly Bathels thanked the teachers for the hard work done in taking care of the students.

Madam Beverley Bathels said, teachers in the various schools are doing their best to make sure that students are happy to attend school always.

Madam Comfort Asante distributed pencils, crayons, erasers, sharpeners, books, drinks and biscuits to all schools she visited. She also gave out 20 pieces of uniforms to Suhyen Mpeam M/A KG.

Present were the Municipal Coordinating Director for New Juaben North, Mr. Ndinga Nborinyi, Deputy Director, and Madam Victoria Ghartey and Information officer, Asiedu Benjamin.