Donation of cement to Oyoko presby basic school

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for New Juaben North Municipal Assembly, Madam Comfort Asante and Mr. Oti Akenten on behalf of Nana Adjei Boateng, the MP for New Juaben North constituency, donated 50 bags of cement to the Oyoko Presby Basic School for the construction of an ICT complex.

Date Created : 5/10/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Elizabeth Ansaah/

In the presentation, the Chief Executive said the donation forms part of the Assembly’s Responsibility towards Education in the Municipality to impact the knowledge of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) into the students.

Rev. Samuel Okyere Adams, in charge of Oyoko Presby Basic School thanked the Member of Parliament and the MCE for the support given to their school. He further said that they would see to it that the cement would be used for its purpose.

The headmaster of the school, Mr. Addo Anim Alex on behalf of the School expressed his profound gratitude to the Honorable and the MCE for the kind gesture and stated the cement given will help hasten the construction of the ICT complex.