DCE donates to 71 quarantine staff

The seventy–one (71) quarantined staff of Coastal Quarry Limited in the Shama District can now heave a sigh of relief as the District Chief Executive; Joseph Amoah has donated packs of food to the management to feed them, whiles they serve their fourteen days self-quarantined period.

Date Created : 4/24/2020 7:33:54 AM : Story Author : Nana Kesse/

The items include integrated ten 50kg bags of rice, five cartons of cooking oil, three cartons of tomato paste and tinned fish (sardine).

The DCE, Mr. Joseph Amoah in an interview said they had to intervene as “these lives need to be protected”

Mr. Amoah said, the burden of borne by the company in such a crisis could be overwhelming and that, some support to the company is most commendable.