MAMPONG: Databank holds a retirement planning seminar for Assembly staff

Databank Limited has held a retirement seminar for all heads of department and workers at the Mampong Municipal Assembly in the Ashanti Region on Tuesday 6th October 2020 at the Municipal Conference Hall.

Date Created : 10/8/2020 5:02:28 AM : Story Author : Emmanuel Akwasi Wiafe-Boateng/

The Staffs of the Databank who came to direct the seminar were Barima Asamoah Sakyi and Abu Sofyian Abdulai (Relations Managers) and Ohemaa Ama Anima Owusu-Ansah (Customer Service and Operation Manager).

The Municipal Coordinating Director (MCD), of the Mampong Municipal Assembly, Mr. Francis Owusu Ansah who was the special guest speaker, welcoming participants to the programme, gave a brief address on how important it is to have a good retirement policy.

Mr. Francis Owusu Ansah expressed his profound happiness on how he believes the seminar will help widen the scope of understanding of all workers when it comes to having a good retirement plan or policy. He gave a brief education on the negative impact of having a poor retirement plan and also talked about the credibility of Databank. He emphasized the positive impact that a person will gain when one really designs a very good retirement policy.

“Having a good policy will somehow release you from stress and thinking about unnecessary things in your days of retirement because by then you will be released from financial burden”, he stated.

He urged the workers to have much interest in savings and investments so that they do not go through stress after retirement. He ended by pleading to everybody to take a few minutes of their time to listen to what they would be taken through.

The Relations Manager, Mr. Abu Sofyian Abdulai gave a PowerPoint presentation on the importance of having a Retirement Plan. In his opening presentation, he talked about why there is a need to have a good retirement planning policy.

He explained in detail what retirement planning policy is all about by showing an audio-visual PowerPoint presentation. He further explained that Databank has various investment plans to help workers plan beautifully for their future. These include Mfund, Arkfund, Bfund, Edifund, and Epack.

He entreated the workers to have their retirement accounts separate from other accounts to prevent unnecessary expenditure. There was good feedback from the audience as they corresponded very well with the presentation and asked some important questions.