West Akim takes steps to ensure traders comply with social distancing

The West Akim Municipal Assembly has stipulated stiff measures to ensure that all major markets in the municipality comply with the government's protocol on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Date Created : 4/15/2020 6:38:46 AM : Story Author : MIS/

The Assembly's move came in the wake of non-adherence to the protocols especially by the market women after been warned on several occasions to observe social distancing.

In an interaction with the market women, the MCE Seth Oduro Boadu spelt out the reasons for the government's protocols as a means of combatting the pandemic.

The MCE bemoaned the non-adherence to social distancing by the market women and outlined the measures management of the assembly had stipulated to ensuring that compliance was realised.

The management of the Assembly in a collaborative effort with the security agencies has stipulated the measures in a combative stance against the deadly disease.

The major markets have been closed and arrangements made to depopulate the markets.

In doing so, the fish sellers had been allocated a Methodist Park to display their wares as temporary measures to forestall any possible contraction of the deadly disease.

The move, the MCE said would serve as decongesting the markets to ensuring social distancing.

He noted that the park would be demarcated according to the authorised pace in conformity to the approved distance among persons.
Reacting to the Assembly's outlined directive, the market women greeted it in a unison of thunderous applause to register their approval.

They thanked management for what they described as the prudent efforts of the Assembly in ensuring COVID-19 free municipality.

The occasion was climaxed with a separate meeting that constituted a Nine-member taskforce to ensure that traders, lorry stations, commercial drivers, bar operators, and the public adhered to the protocols.

The MCE led the taskforce to swear the oath of office and that of secrecy.

He noted that a Three-member committee would be constituted to monitor the operations of the taskforce that comprised three personnel each from the police, and Immigration, two from Ghana National Fire Service, and an officer from the Bureau of National Investigations.

The Hon. MCE the Divisional and Municipal Police Commanders, that of Immigration and the Municipal Director of Ghana National Fire Service in their respective address charged the taskforce to discharge the responsibility bestowed on them with resilience and tenacity.

The taskforce was assured of financial remittance.