Operationalize sub-structures of district assemblies – Hajia Alima Mahama

Date Created : 7/4/2017 3:11:36 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/Ghanadistricts.com
According to her, the non-functioning of the sub-district structures including Urban/Town/Area Councils and Unit committees that are mandated to assist the assemblies in the performance of their functions at the community level particularly charged with the function to educate, mobilize and organize the communities, mobilize and collect revenue, embark on environmntal cleanliness and sanitation, register birth and deaths and implement self-help projects is impacting negatively on the performance of the assemblies.
To this end, she said they are determined to operationalize and stregthen the sub-structures and called for the full support of the Regional Coordinating Directors to make sure this is achieved since the sub-structures are considered the bedrock of local governance system and and a platform for reaching majority of people at the local level.
The Minister was addressing Metropolitan, Municipal,and District Chief Executives at the orientation programme for the MMDCEs designed to among other things inculcate in the MMDCs the requisite knoledge, skills and the right attitude to lead decentralised governeance effectively.
Thus, the programme will help to
1. Acquint MMDCEs on the demands of the office of the District Chief Executive;
2. Equip MMDCEs with requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for effective transformation leadership at the local level;
3. Create opportunities for selected MDAs to share information on the priorityprojects and programmes with the MMDCEs Metropolitan, Municipal,and District Chief Executive;
4. Identify and discuss likely challenges and related matters that may imping on the successful job performance of MMDCE; and
5. Enhance their knowledge and skills to enable them adopt appropriate tools and strategies for effective job performance.
To this end, she noted that, the topics have been carefully selected to address certain critical aspects of the decentralized process including legal,policy, and planning framework on decentralization, implementation issues financial management, resource mobilization, procurement environment and local econmic development.
On revenue mobilization, Hajia Mahama reminded the MMDCEs that revenue mobilization is a key component of the assemblies as such it is important they do not renege on this role and urged them to reverse the trend of over reliance on the District Assemblies Common Fund. She has therefore called on the MMDCEs to develop revenue mobilization mechanisms for increased revenue mobilization.