Residents of Beposo enjoys free health screening

Thousands of residence of Beposo, a community in the Sekyere Central District of Ashanti Region went through a three day free health screening and a sensitisation activity on reproductive health.

Date Created : 7/16/2019 7:58:15 AM : Story Author : Omono Asamoah/

The event which was organised by Women's Health To The Wealth, a non-governmental organization (NGO) centered their screening on blood pressure, cervical, prostrate and breast cancer examination among others.

Speaking at the event, the CEO of the organization, Madam Abena Akuamoah Boateng explained that her organisation seeks to empower the feminine gender through health screening and advocacy on reproductive health especially for the teenage mothers.

She continued that, the Ashanti Regional Health Services statistics indicate that Beposo has the highest number of teenage pregnancy cases therefore they couldn't hesitate when the elders of the community invited them to extend their benevolence to them.

According to her, the situation at the community in relation to teenage pregnancy is indeed terrible therefore stakeholders of education must adopt pragmatic approach to curtail the canker.

In line with their benevolence, they provide free drugs to anaemic pregnant women, nursing mothers and loans facilities for business enhancement.

The Omanhene of Beposo Traditional Council, Nana Boamah Kwabi IV expressed his sincere and profound gratitude to the NGO for the honour done them and appealed to the government and other private agencies to come to his area to set up an industry which would serve as an avenue of employment to help his people from poverty.

According to him poverty is the cause of the high level of teenage pregnancy because of nonblack of jobs, hence job avenues will reduce the canker.

Some participants also expressed their joy and sentiments for getting access to free health screening as the exercise had helped them to know of their health status.