MCE embarks on a monitoring exercise

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Asanti Akim South Mr. Alexander Frimpong has embarked on a monitoring exercise to ascertain the progress of some ongoing projects in the Municipality.

Date Created : 12/3/2019 4:33:18 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

The MCE visited the grading and reshaping of Kwakru through Asempanaye to Yawbarima, Komeaboi through Kyempoh to Abakobon roads and some school building projects ongoing to enhance access to education.

Mr. Frimpong also paid an unannounced visit and interacted with some chiefs and people in Menamenaso, Akuakrom, Amanfrom, Obokoro, Asempanaye, Kwakru and Obogu Zongo and responded to their questions and assured them of the government's commitment to the development of the area.

He also took the opportunity to explain to people the need to vote YES in the upcoming Referendum.