Assembly embarks on infrastructure devt

The Sekyere Kumawu District Assembly is embarking on an aggressive infrastructure development to help open up rural communities and improve on the living conditions of the people in those areas.

Date Created : 10/15/2018 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Gideon D. Ebbah/

Mr Samuel Addai Agyekum, the District Chief Executive said the aim is to help alleviate poverty and improve the socio-economic conditions in rural communities, to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Mr Agyekum was speaking at a sod-cutting ceremony to start the renovation and expansion of a primary and kindergarten block of the Dadease Salvation Army basic schools.

The GHs86,000.00 project is being financed solely by the district assembly.

Mr Agyekum also broke the ground to commence the construction of a water closet sanitary facility for the people of Wonoo, a farming community in the district, at the cost of GHs 250,000.00.

He said the assembly was committed to providing social amenities such as school blocks, toilet facilities, markets, road networks and others, to open up the area for investment and enhanced living conditions.

Mr Agyekum called for total cooperation from community members, chiefs and other opinion leaders to ensure that development projects initiated in their communities were completed on time for the benefit of the people.

Reverend Major John Arthur, District Pastor and Local Manager of the Salvation Army Schools, praised the District Assembly for the support and urged other stakeholders to collaborate with the church to provide quality education to the children in the area.

Nana Akua Akyaah Agyapomaa II, the Queen of Dadease urged the people to support the assembly by paying their taxes and also initiate self- help projects to improve their living conditions.