Assembly staff educated on fire prevention

In a bid to prevent fire and also fight them effectively when they occur, the staff of Akrofuom District Assembly have been trained.

Date Created : 1/29/2020 2:47:07 AM : Story Author : Francis Andoh/

The training was led by SubO Samuel Gyamerah of the Obuasi Fire Service Station and he cautioned the staff to be mindful on the use of the fire extinguisher.

He said the use of the fire extinguisher alone is critical and that one must be careful in its use. He taught the staff to use the PASS approach whenever they are using the fire extinguisher.

He said the P stands for ‘holding of the safety pin’, where the user must pull the safety pin to cut the seal at the tip of the extinguisher; A for ‘aiming the seat of the fire’ i.e where the fire is blazing from; S which also means ‘squeeze to operate’ and the last S which also means ‘sweep to operate’, where the extinguisher is used in the manner of sweeping and not straight manner.

He also cautioned the staff to be mindful of the type of fire extinguishers they use for their cars and homes.

For his part, the District Coordinating Director, Mr. Stephen Asante was thankful to SubO Gyamerah for the education and assured him that the Assembly will be careful with their electrical gadgets.

He cautioned all the staff members to always ensure that all their electrical gadgets are switched off and unplugged from their socket at the end of every working day.

The staff were also delighted for the training and promised to adhere to the knowledge gained.