DCE suggests review of criteria

Kwadwo Agyei-Dwumor, Nkoranza North District Chief Executive, has suggested to the Ghana Education Service Council to review the criteria and procedure for the appointment of district directors of education, to allow for more qualified personnel to be appointed.

Date Created : 6/10/2010 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

He expressed concern about the lack of substantive district directors of education in some districts nationwide, saying, the irregular and delay in appointing persons to fill the positions was affecting education in the country.

Speaking during the maiden visit of the new District Director of Education for Nkoranza, Madam Philippa Banson, to his office at Busunya, Mr. Agyei-Dwumor noted that most of the teachers remained at the same position, growing old before being appointed to serve for a few years, before proceeding on pension.

He deplored the practice whereby some retired district directors of education were contracted to manage districts, whilst qualified ones remained on the waiting list, a practice, he said, was not the best for the provision of quality education delivery.      

The DCE called on the government and the GES council to ensure that all districts got substantive directors to help raise the standard of education.

Mr. Agyei-Dwumor commended Madam Banson for accepting the posting to Nkoranza, and gave the assurance that the two district assemblies would support her in her work.

Madam Banson called for the co-operation and support of all stakeholders in the two districts.