NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

AHAFO ANO S: Gov’t condemns ‘tweaa’ DCE’s misconduct but pardons him

The Government has described as “unacceptable”, the misconduct of infamous Ahafo Ano-South District Chief Executive (DCE), Gabriel Barima, for storming out of a public event in a fit of anger after he was heckled.

Date Created : 1/30/2014 3:06:58 PM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Government has described as “unacceptable”, the misconduct of infamous Ahafo Ano-South District Chief Executive (DCE), Gabriel Barima, for storming out of a public event in a fit of anger after he was heckled.
The “tweaa” DCE, as Barima has become known, abruptly ended his speech at the event after a member of his audience used the local expletive “tweaa” midway through his speech.
An obviously infuriated Barima then charged into the crowd of hospital employees in an attempt to single out his heckler.
He exploded in his anger and threw his hands about as he dressed down his alleged heckler among the crowd.
A video of the incident went viral on social media recently.
A statement from the local government and rural development ministry, signed by deputy minister Emmanuel Kojo Agyekum said the DCE has been reprimanded by sector Minister Akwasi Oppong Fosu.
According to the statement, the Government took “serious view of Mr Barima’s conduct as it runs contrary to provisions in the code of conduct for public officials launched last year”.
The Minister cautioned Mr Barima to “refrain from similar conduct in the future and show better leadership in his dealings with the people of his District”.
According to the statement, the Government took cognisance of Mr Barima’s “profuse apologies and genuine show of remorse following the incident”.