NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

AHAFO ANO S:Health facility faces water problem

Health workers at Pokukrom Health Centre in the Ahafo-Ano South District are contemplating on whether to cease operation of the facility as a solution to save deteriorating conditions of the centre.

Date Created : 1/23/2013 11:45:28 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com


Health workers at Pokukrom Health Centre in the Ahafo-Ano South District are contemplating on whether to cease operation of the facility as a solution to save deteriorating conditions of the centre.

The facility has lately been grappled with the difficulty of water supply which has resulted in some crucial departments like laboratory and dispensary unable to function very well because of lack of potable water at the centre.

The issue came up during an end of year performance review meeting of the District Health Management Team at Mankranso.

A Physician Assistant at the facility said the situatioon was alarming adding that its making it cumbersome for them to operarte. 

Meanwhile according to officials at the centre, the District Assembly has been informed about the imminent problem existing at the facility, but claimed that the Assembly is yet to make any move on the ground. 

A borehole sunk to serve the needs of facility broke down about two years ago, which had since then not been rehabilitated.