NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

BEKWAI : There’s no Bekwai girl on

The Municipal Chief Executive for Bekwai Noah Asante Manu has debunked the assertion that a girl from bekwai was on the sex tape making rounds and  taged as the Bekwai sex tape.

Date Created : 9/13/2011 6:21:50 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Municipal Chief Executive for Bekwai Noah Asante Manu has debunked the assertion that a girl from bekwai was on the sex tape making rounds and  taged as the  Bekwai sex tape.

He said there was a meeting with the traditional authorities, educational institutions, selected teachers and students from all this institutions together with the  co-ordinating director and himself and watched all the tapes and all the ladies captured on the said tape are not from the area.

He said this in an  interviewed with Foxfm,a local radio station on  activities going on  in his area as he mentioned the many roads that are to be tarred, some surface and many projects on going with special referance to the huge hospital been put up by the current government.

Noah mentioned peace as the best gift to  men and so had worked very much in mataining peace in his area with his door opened to all no matter the  political colour,which has led to total unity in the area.

On the up coming election the MCE tasked all politicians including the media to serve as each others keeper and fight against uttrances that can lead to war.

On governance,he said all government’s have done their best in the past year but the two that stand tall because of their christain values and background from history are Dr. Busia and the  current president Prof.Atta Mills,because of their religeous credentials.

Ralph Owusu Anane/