Kumawu Assembly orients personnel of the NSS

The District Chief Executive, Hon. Samuel Addai Agyekum in an orientation programme organized by the assembly to welcome this year’s batch of National Service Personnel posted to the Sekyere Kumawu District Assembly has called on personnel to be team players.

Date Created : 10/23/2017 7:29:27 AM : Story Author : Josephine Larbi /

The orientation programme provided personnel with a proper introduction to the tenets of the assembly, expectations and where they fit in the Assembly’s overall goals.

Hon. Addai Agyekum called on personnel to be useful to themselves and the nation, and open up to board of directors when the need arose, barring the attitude of non-performance.

The DCE added that, human beings have been developed to have analytic instincts, hence regardless the department they have been placed, they are likely to have some knowledge of their activities and thus build on it.

The District Director for National Service Scheme, Mr. Stephen Mensah advised personnel to develop a positive attitude towards work and strive to be the best in whatever field they find themselves. This according to him will go a long way to open doors of opportunities for them.

Also present were, the District Coordinating Director for Kumawu, Mr. Simon Asare and The Human Resource Officer, Mr. Kofi Wiredu.