Asokore Mampong gets five member Internal Audit Committee

The Asokore Mampong Magistrate Judge, Her Worship Mrs Portia M.A Saliah has sworn into office a five member Internal Audit Committee for the Asokore Mampong Municipal Assembly.

Date Created : 10/16/2017 8:22:19 AM : Story Author : Gertrude Nadjat Achelogo/

The Committee is expected to work in accordance with the Public Financial Act in protecting the public purse and also serve as an advisory body to the Assembly.


They swore the oath of office, oath of allegiance and oath of secrecy. 

In her remarks, Her Worship advised the committee members to be committed to their duties as auditors and also work in unity with the assembly to achieve the needed results.

 She also advised that the assembly provides the necessary support to ensure their effective delivery.

On his part, the Municipal Chief Executive, Alhaji Alidu Seidu congratulated members of the committee on their appointment as Audit Committee Members who will be serving as an advisory body to the Assembly on how to manage public funds.

He added that this government is keen on fighting corruption hence the need to support members of the committee with the necessary information to work in accordance with the Public Financial Management Act.

 The MCE also advised them to ensure that government funds are used for the right purpose and also meet quarterly to audit activities of the Assembly.

The Chairman for the Committee who is also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana, Umar Jawula Mohammed thanked the MCE for his support and reception. 

He promised that his team will make sure that Auditor General's laws are implemented, and they will work in line with the public procurement Act to ensure value for money for the financial management of the Assembly. 

Other members of the committee include Samuel Antwi, also a member of ICAG, Eric Nyarko Baiden, Internal Audit Agency, Mohammed Abubakari Presiding Member, and Nana Bropete Baffour Asare, Government Appointee.