KWABRE E: DCE inspects Mamponteng Jubilee Market

The District Chief Executive for Kwabre East, Nana Osei Assibey Bonsu, has inspected the Mamponteng Jubilee market to familiarize himself with work done so far.

Date Created : 8/1/2017 6:26:55 AM : Story Author : Francis Andoh/

Hon. Osei Bonsu was accompanied by the District coordinating Director, the District the Engineer, the District Planning Officer and the District Budget Officer from the Assembly.

The team was also accompanied by the chief of Mamponteng, Barima Saase Ayeboafo II, queenmother of Mamponteng, Nana Kyerew Akenten, and other traditional leaders. 

The Mamponteng market is an ancient market which used to be the hub of many communities for the selling of farm produce. Traders and farmers from far and new used to converge at the market to sell their wares.

However in 2012, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) government budgeted to reconstruct it into an ultra-modern state-of-the-art market complex. Construction began in mid-year but subsequently in 2013, construction was stalled much to the chagrin of the traditional leaders and people of Mamponteng.

Traders were however located to a different site and assured that the construction of the market complex will last for just six month since all financial arrangements have already been sourced so there would not be any delay in its construction.


The traders agreed to settle at their present location for the period for which the construction will be on- going but close to six years, they are still at their present location which has really affected their sales.

Addressing the traders after assessing things for himself, Mr. Bonsu appealed to them to be patient with the new government as funds are sourced to complete the construction of the market.

He said the New Patriotic Party (NPP), government believes in the private sector as one of the driving forces in the economy. Thus, all efforts to strengthen it will not be compromised.

He revealed that the cost of the building as at 2012 was GHs8.8 million cedis but due to the inability of the government to release funds in time for the construction the cost shot up to GHs16 million in 2016.

Hon. Assibey Bonsu added that he was not oblivious of the dangers the traders face at their current location so will do all within his means to ensure that, the Mamponteng market is brought to life again.

Barima Ayeboafo II also commended the DCE and the Member of Parliament, Hon. Francisca Oteng Mensah for their initiative and expressed optimism in the duo that they can really combine to give Mamponteng Township a proper facelift. He added that for years the traders have gone through a lot of challenges at their current location, adding that, some have had to suffer many health implications as a result.

The leader of the traders in the market, Madam Akua Akyaa also corroborated the challenges they had to endure at their present location. She said due to the present location, most of the farmers prefer to send their produce to the Tafo, Kumasi, Agona, Suame and other markets.

Also most people who used to patronize products from them have also stopped and now trade in Kumasi.

She therefore appealed to government to speed up with the construction in order for them to move back to the market and do proper trading.                                                     

Officials then moved to the construction site to familiarize themselves with work done so far.    

Due to the neglect of the site, the whole place was weedy. Some of the building materials were still on site.