AKATSI N: DCE donates to PWDs

The District Chief Executive of Akatsi North Dr. Prince Sodoke Amuzu in collaboration with Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Charity and a team of Physiotherapists from the Ghana Health Service, Accra has distributed custom-made wheel chairs, crutches and white canes to people living with disabilities in the District.

Date Created : 11/21/2018 5:10:54 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

According to the DCE, the main aim of the distribution is to provide mobility and enable the PWDs go about their normal duties with ease.

Dr. Amuzu in his speech stated that persons with disabilities are seen as different creatures by most people, meanwhile, they don’t choose to be the way they are but still our society makes them feel isolated or estranged.

He urged citizenry to celebrate the amazing individuals with disabilities in our communities and provide them with equal opportunity.