Nana Akyemfour Asiedu School projects commissioned

The Chief of Abetifi and the Adontenhene of the Kwahu Traditional Area, Nana Akyemfour Asiedu Agyemang III, has completed a number of educational projects and handed them to beneficiary institutions.

Date Created : 7/11/2018 6:10:42 AM : Story Author :

The projects include;
• a three - unit classroom block with ancillary facilities for the Abetifi Anglican Model Basic School
• the provision of a three seater toilet facility for three public schools; Abetifi Ridge D/A School, Anglican Primary and the Presbyterian Primary and Junior High School (JHS).

Speaking at the ceremony on the theme ‘Education is a right and not a privilege, the role of the community’ Nana Akyemfour said his priority was to promote good personal hygiene and quality education among the people of Abetifi hence the provision of such facilities.

He said the traditional authorities would award scholarships to brilliant but needy students and constructing schools for the benefit of the people.

Akyemfour Agyemang III urges the headmaster and the school authorities to work hard to maintain the facility so that many more children from the area can get opportunity to attend school in the district.

He promised to link up with other Non- Governmental Organisations to improve on the standards of living of the people by executing development projects in education, health, sanitation among others.

He advised parents to put main concern on the education of their wards by providing them with the necessary items to achieve their goals.

The Head teacher of the Anglican Primary School, Mr Steven Yeboah, applauded Nana Akyemfour Agyemang for the kind gesture but pleaded that, more furniture and basic ICT tools be provided for the school to ensure effective teaching and learning in the school.

He mentioned insufficient classrooms and lack of electricity as some of the challenges facing the school and assured of a collaborative effort in maintaining and making good use of the facility to promote quality education in the area and beyond.

A citation and an Eponym were presented to Adontenhene of Kwahu traditional Area Akyemfour Asiedu Agyemang III for his continuous support to facelift the Anglican Model Basic School to a befitting standard.

The school was renamed in honour of Akyemfour and now called the Nana Asiedu Agyemang III Anglican Model Basic School- Abetifi.