Assembly members of LaNMMA sworn into office

The La-Nkwatanang Madina Municipal Assembly has sworn into office its members to help facilitate the mobilisation of ideas on promoting good governance in the community.

Date Created : 1/14/2020 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Jessica Dele Akakpo/Jacqueline Appiagyei/

Fourteen Assembly members, 70 unit committee members and seven government appointees were sworn into office at the ceremony.

His Worship Richard Delali Anku of the Madina Magistrates Court took them through the official Oath.
Mrs Jennifer Dede Adjabeng, the Municipal Chief Executive, said the success of every assembly depended on the functionality of the sub-district structures, especially the assembly members.

She said to deepen decentralisation in the Municipality, management intended to take the necessary steps to revamp the zonal councils of the assembly to strengthen the decision-making process at the grassroots.

Mrs Adjabeng explained that assembly members office is a call for service and not for personal gains or lording themselves over people who voted them into office.

The MCE said the managers of the Assembly would heavily rely on the various skills, experience, knowledge and technical know-how of the Assembly and unit committee members.

"Undoubtedly the expectation among the citizenry is skyrocketing, and we need to work together, collaborate and above all sacrifice in order to meet the needs and aspirations of our people because posterity will not spare us if we fail," she said.

She congratulated the Assembly and unit committee members for coming out victorious during the just ended district level election.

Mr Charles Owiredu, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, who read the speech on behalf of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, said the assemblies were a critical part of government and had a role to play in ensuring government delivered on its promises.

He said one major function of the Assembly was to explore avenues for the creation of employment for the people, particularly the youth.

Mr Owiredu said as assembly members, unity was key towards delivering their mandate and therefore urged them to be diligent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of the people.

He said good governance entailed the active participation of the citizens in assembly issues to ensure the delivering of quality service, improved infrastructure and good leadership.

The Deputy Minister charged the Assembly to use its by-laws to enforce compliance in sanitation management and environmental health standards and rules to ensure a clean and healthy environment.

He wished the newly elected members a successful tenure of office and reminded them that the people required of them the traits of selflessness, devotion to duty, a very accountable stewardship and the ability to deliver efficient services to improve on their quality of life and promote prosperity.

In an interview with Mr Abdul Yakubu Jalil, Assembly Member of Tatana South, he expressed his gratitude to the people that trusted and voted for him.

He added that he would work in the interest of the community.
Madam Aminatu Issah, unit committee member for Tatana South, also thanked the community for the opportunity and said she was ready to serve and not to disappoint.

She said she would not work on any political platform but deliver to the satisfaction of the people.