MCE interacts with Teiman Residents

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of La Nkwantanang Madina Municipal Assembly (LaNMMA), Jennifer Dede Adjabeng, has engaged residents of Teiman Electoral Area on how to accelerate development in the area.

Date Created : 8/23/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Rosemary O. Yeboah /

The occasion which had a massive turn-out saw chiefs, opinion leaders, faith-based organizations, religious leaders and residential associations in attendance.

This afforded the MCE the opportunity to interact with the people and also abreast herself with the concerns of the residents as she took turn to address some of the issues raised by the residents during an open forum session.

“I am happy about the turn out and I will be happy if all communities respond to our calls in this manner”, said Mrs Adjabeng.

Residents raised concerns over the poor nature of roads within the Teiman Electoral area, lack of access to potable drinking water, security among other key issues.

In her response, the MCE assured residents that three contractors were working on three different tranches of roads and drainages within Teiman Township.

She said work had to be halted for an ongoing re-scoping of the project in order to make room for storm drains which were key due to the landscape of the area.

“We are still working together with urban roads and we are looking at re-scoping the project to cater for storm drains which are not part of the initial project. We need to make way for the flood water”. She explained.

Mrs Adjabeng indicated that areas behind the Methodist Church were storm drain reserves and for that matter had to be cleared before the project could take off.

On the issue of sanitation, she admonished the residents to register their various properties with waste management companies in adherence with the operation clean your frontage campaign initiative.

The Divisional Police Commander for Adentan ACP Abraham Acquaye, cautioned residents on the need to be security conscious in order to complement the efforts of the police in maintaining peace and order.

He gave residents some security tips and encouraged them to report suspicious persons around their properties.