Upper Manya Assembly holds meeting

The Upper Manya Krobo District Assembly realized GHC 212,746.00, out of the projected GHC162, 477.87 at the end of September, representing 76 percent as its internally generated revenue.

Date Created : 10/24/2013 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

Mr Joseph Tetteh Angmor, the District Chief Executive, told the third general meeting of the assembly at Asesewa that the Assembly was hopeful that by the end of the year it would be able to go beyond 95 percent collection, especially with measures put in place which include strict monitoring revenue collection at the various market centres.

He said not many projects were undertaken since the beginning of the year due to the late release of the Common Fund but gave the assurance that the Assembly would ensure the completion of all on-going projects while assisting communities with funds and materials to complete their self-initiated projects.

Mr Angmor said the Assembly had received the cash transfer for the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) for the period January to April, adding that officers responsible for the disbursement had started paying the beneficiaries.

He said roads earmarked for rehabilitation include Akrusu Junction/Akrusu, Sekesua town roads Akumesu, Sutapong-Osonson, and Aboasa-Kumakuma among others.

Mr Angmor said the completion of the Assembly’s office complex and the improvement of the Asesewa market had taken a centre stage in the development agenda of the Assembly.

He said the government, through the Social Investment Fund, has selected the Upper Manya Krobo District as one of the 20 districts in the country to benefit from projects under the Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDR).

Mr Angmor assured assembly members that he would continue to make greater efforts to get more projects and programmes to the district.