Agona West Assembly members declare support for MCE

A total of 34 out of 43 Assembly members of the Agona West Municipal Assembly have declared their unflinching support for the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Mrs. Justina Marigold Assan to continue her work of implementating policies and programmes.

Date Created : 8/2/2019 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : James Esuon

The 34 members, representing more than two-thirds of the Assembly therefore endorsed the MCE to remain in office as enshrined in Act 936 of the Local Government Act.

The declaration for Mrs. Assan, followed allegations purported to have been made by some group of Assembly members to pass “vote of no confidence in the MCE for incompetence, maladministration and malfeasance.

Addressing a news Conference at Swedru, to declare their supports, Mr. Frank Yeboah, Assembly Member for Lower Bobikuma who spoke on behalf of the members said the MCE did not exhibit incompetence in discharging her duties and had not shown disrespect to Party Supporters and non-partisan members since she assumed office three years ago.

Mr Yeboah who is also the Chairman of the Medium and Small Scale Enterprises Sub-Committee of the Assembly debunked the allegations made against the MCE for not interacting with Communities in the Municipality.

The Assembly man said since she assumed office, the MCE visited almost all communities in Agona West to interact with chiefs, opinion leaders and others to know their problems and help find lasting solutions to them.

He said under her leadership, the Assembly won the best Sanitation category of the Central Region maiden MMDAs awards instituted by the Regional Minister Mr. Kwamena Duncan.

They also accused her of low revenue generation but Mr Yeboah said the Assembly in 2017 recorded huge increases in revenue collection in absolute figures compared to 2015 and 2016.

Mr Yeboah, who was flanked by Mr Alex Yeboah, Assemblyman for Babianiha, and Mr. Frank Abban, Presiding Member (PM) of Assembly, denied reports that revenue collectors were not paid for over five months but rather in two months arrears.

He refuted allegation by the disgruntled group that the MCE had spent an unbudgeted amount of GHS120,000 to award hard working assembly staff.

Mr. Yeboah said even though the Assembly approved GHS32,000 only GHS19,097 was used to award the deserving staff and described the allegation as baseless, fabricated and calculated attempt to dent the image of the MCE.

He said the allegation of outrageous figures used to renovate official residence of MCE was unfounded and shameful because it was captured in 2016 budget before Mrs. Assan assumed office in 2017.

On disrespect allegations made against the MCE, Mr. Yeboah expressed shock and dismay about the group‘s lies just to agitate and unjustifiably remove the MCE from office as a result of the frivolous