Tarkwa Assembly holds it maiden Meet the Press

The Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal Assembly (TNMA) has held its maiden ‘Meet-the-press’ to unveil its achievements with a call for all to embrace government's flagship programmes and policies.

Date Created : 11/18/2019 2:59:11 AM : Story Author : Dominic Kojo Blay/

Hon Gilbert Ken Asmah, Municipal Chief Executive, MCE for Tarkwa-Nsuaem disclosed this to the media at its maiden Meet the Press.

The Meet the Press series follows a directive by government through the Ministry of Information to enable the various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies, MMDA's to showcase all government projects, programmes and social intervention policies executed and implemented since 2017 till date.

In the area of job creation Hon Gilbert Ken Asmah indicated that the Assembly has so far registered a total of 3000 inhabitants for the community Mining programme out of which 1,800 have received their identity cards.

On the education sector, he said upon assumption of office in May 2017, his administration has provided hundreds of logistical and financial support to the educational directorate as well as furniture to schools adding that to motivate teachers to give off their best, Assembly is considering to organize best teacher awards which aims at recognizing hardworking teachers in the Municipality.

Educational infrastructure including the construction of classroom blocks for Dadwen, Essaman Kakraba, Hooper Kindergarten, Fiasseman SHS Dunning and Assembly Hall, Classroom blocks and teachers quarters for Benso SHS, classroom block for Nsuaem M/A and several others on course, he said.

The MCE, projecting the status of government’s interventions, said hundreds of National Builders Corps (NABCO) had been posted to areas including health, education, Feed Ghana, Digitize Ghana, Enterprise, Revenue and Civic.

Under the One District, One Factory flagship programme, he mentioned that three factories comprising of a Gold Refinery, Rubber Processing and Cocoa Processing are currently at different stages near completion in Tarkwa, he announced that the factories when completed are expected to offer employment to about 1,500 inhabitants.

The MCE said the Scholarship Review Committee was established in the municipality and forty five students in various tertiary schools were benefiting from the scheme currently.

In the area of town roads he hinted that his administration has constructed a number of access and link roads there by reducing the traffic situation in Tarkwa drastically, key amongst them include, the DVLA link road with culvert, the Ahwetieso- Boama link road with culvert, Vision estate to Angola Culvert and link road, Nana Angu by pass, space fm link road, Akoon Junction to Cyanide link road funded by Assembly Internally generated fund.

On the free Senior High School (SHS) programme, he indicated that enrollment had increased drastically since its commencement in 2017 to 2019, he added.

Hon Asmah hinted that thousands of farmers in the Municipality also benefitted from the planting for food and jobs, Planting for Export and Rural Development Programme (PERD) with subsidized fertilizer and Seeds.

In other news, as part of measures to improve upon the living conditions of the citizenry of Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality, the Assembly again on Thursday, November 7th held a Town Hall Meeting at Essuoso to explain government policies and allow the various communities to air their views on issues affecting them.

The gathering sought to disseminate information among stakeholders in the development and governance process at the local level.

According to Hon Asmah, the move would enhance proportional allocation of resources and ensure that stakeholders and the Assembly would plan together to enable them implement projects effectively.

In a speech read on behalf of the Deputy Western Regional Minister, Mrs Gifty Eugenia Kusi, said the theme for the forum "Participatory governance, our right" was timely because of the upcoming District Level Elections and Referendum, which require all Ghanaian voters to exercise their franchise.

She emphasised that the government needs participation of all citizens in steering the affairs of the nation successfully.

"Participatory governance helps to empower citizens to participate in public decision-making, as an effective means to improve public accountability. Citizens are allowed to take part in free and fair elections to make informed choices to be able to hold political leaders accountable for their electoral promises" she mentioned.

She assured all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA's) of government's continuous support.