MOFA/JICA organizes sensitization field trip for six MMDAs in Ashanti Region

The Government of Ghana through the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are jointly implementing Phase II of the Sustainable Development of Rain-Fed Lowland Rice Production Project (TENSUI 2) in Ashanti and Northern Regions.

Date Created : 12/5/2018 6:26:59 AM : Story Author : Omono Asamoah/

Some twenty (20) Districts in the Ashanti Region and fifteen (15) in the Northern Region have been selected to benefit from this technical assistance.

The overall goal of the project is to increase domestic rice production.

The beneficiary districts have been grouped into cycles for effective implementation of the project.

As part of the project implementation for 2019, a sensitization field trip was organized for the third batch of districts called Cycle 3 districts to join the project in Ashanti Region.

The Cycle 3 MMDAs are Amansie Central, Ashanti Mampong, Sekyere South, Sekyere Afram Plains, Sekyere East and Sekyere Kumawu.

The MMDCEs with their respective Coordinating Director, Agric Directors and Crops Officers participated in the field trip. Other stakeholders including National Directorate of Crops Services of MoFA, Ghana Irrigation Development Authority and Ashanti Regional Agricultural Development Unit took part in the field trip.

The objectives of this sensitization trip were to give participants the opportunity to observe the improved rice cultivation technology and to also help decision makers to understand the importance of allocating budget and releasing funds on time for the agricultural sector especially for demo plot establishment.

The sensitization field trip to the Jeduako-Aframso rice field took place on Wednesday, 21st November 2018 in the Sekyere Central District in the Ashanti Region.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Hiroshi Yoshimura, the Chief Advisor to the TENSUI 2 project explained that they are to impact knowledge and offer technical assistance to the selected districts to increase domestic rice production. He further explained that the program will be in existence till the first quarter of 2021.

Some beneficiary DCEs, Samuel Addai Agyekum, DCE for Kumawu; Catherine Reckline, DCE of Sekyere South, and Kwadwo Banahene Bediako, DCE of Sekyere Central shared the knowledge acquired after the programme.

According to them, the field trip had really broadened their knowledge in agriculture activities particularly rice production.